Biodiversity Credits Promoting the Regeneration of Biodiversity Using Green Spaces in Office Buildings 

A new form of biodiversity credits expected to contribute to urban biodiversity enhancement, with potential for use as disclosure information for TNFD.


BIOTA corporation is releasing BIOTA Tokens, a pioneering initiative to address rapid urbanisation and its impact on health. Urbanisation is causing a significant loss of biodiversity. In Japan, private developers constructing or expanding new office buildings are required to green a certain percentage of their site area. However, many of these green spaces are underutilised. As a result, valuable opportunities are missed not only to increase local biodiversity, but also to generate economic benefits through increased property values and interaction with the local community. 

In order to utilise these green spaces more effectively and to promote the creation of sustainable urban landscapes, we are releasing the BIOTA token in the winter of 2024. BIOTA tokens will provide a measurable way to evaluate corporate environmental contributions and offer a means to rapidly pursue profits. 


BIOTA is excited to introduce BIOTA Tokens, a pioneering initiative designed to address the urgent challenges posed by rapid urbanisation and its impact on health. Urban areas have increased by over 50% in the past 50 years, leading to a significant loss of biodiversity.1 Since 2021, under Japanese legislation, both private and public entities undertaking new construction or extensions on properties must meet strict greening standards in order to promote sustainability and environmental responsibility.2 For example, in Tokyo, private facilities with a site area of over 1,000m2 and public facilities with an area of 250m2  are required to implement greening that covers at least 20% of their available site area.2 Despite this, many sites do not fully take advantage of the designated green spaces, missing valuable opportunities to enhance local biodiversity, increase property value, and generate economic benefits through community interaction. To make more effective use of these green spaces, we will be releasing BIOTA Tokens in the Winter of 2024 to incentivise the creation of sustainable urban landscapes. Unlike traditional environmental credits, which may take years to yield economic benefits (such as carbon credits, which have seen no issuances for 15 years due to long-term growth and certification processes), BIOTA Tokens offer a rapid, measurable way for companies to validate environmental contributions and compliance with legislation, whilst pursuing profits.3


What are BIOTA Tokens? 

The BIOTA token (hereafter referred to as ‘the token’) is an innovative token that provides a highly accurate numerical assessment of microbial diversity. The token is expected to act as a credible means of documenting improvements in microbial diversity, and thus biodiversity, and can be used as part of ESG investment and SDGs initiatives. In the future, it has the potential to be traded and bought and sold in the same way as carbon credits, but at present it serves as a means to invest by quantifying and visualising the environmental contribution of companies and individuals. Improvements in microbial diversity can be measured quickly and can be issued faster than carbon credits, providing an immediate and lasting environmental impact. Through BIOTA tokens, improvements in microbial diversity will be recognised as an economic value, contributing to the creation of a sustainable ecosystem.


Additionally, the biodiversity assessment report issued alongside the token provides quantitative data on changes in biodiversity over time. This report can also be used as disclosure information for the Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD).




Token Issuance Waiting List


Why Focus on Increasing Microbial Biodiversity?

Microbial diversity is not only fundamental to healthy ecosystems and robust environmental functioning, it is also essential for life on Earth. The most abundant organisms, micro-organisms (including bacteria, archaea, fungi and viruses) outnumber all plants, animals and fungi and can be found from the depths of the oceans to mountain peaks and even in extreme environments such as hot springs and polar ice.4 These microorganisms play an integral role in the entire ecosystem on Earth, engaging in nutrient cycling, organic material decomposition, and influencing both climate and atmospheric conditions.5 Given their role as decomposers, micro-organisms form the basis of ecosystems and contribute to the expansion and construction of rich urban and soil ecosystems.


Quantitative Biodiversity Survey Usable for TNFD Disclosures

Understanding this crucial role of microbial diversity, enhancing microbial diversity is essential for the overall expansion and regeneration of biodiversity. Our token uses genomic analysis to quantitatively evaluate the improvement of microbial diversity across various ecosystems. The resulting data can be effectively utilised not only for token issuance but also as part of your TNFD (Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures) reporting.



Who can Benefit from BIOTA Tokens?

BIOTA Tokens and our broader range of environmental services are designed for: 

  • Corporate clients: Businesses seeking innovative ways to meet ESG, CSR, and SDG objectives and enhance their green credentials 
  • Government agencies: Public entities interested in promoting sustainable urban development and achieving environmental policy targets 
  • Environmental NGOs: Organisations focused on supporting or sponsoring biodiversity projects and promoting sustainable practices 
  • Individuals: Ambitious individuals looking to contribute to the expansion and regeneration of biodiversity and invest in natural capital 


Benefits for Both the Environment and Economy 

The implementation of BIOTA Tokens enables companies and individuals to receive direct economic returns from their environmental conservation activities. This system not only generates positive environmental impacts but also creates opportunities in new markets, forging connections with environmentally conscious investors and customers. 



Collaborating Business Partners

For the issuance of this token, we will be collaborating with the following partner companies specialising in green space design:


Woodsmart Corporation (

Folk Incorporated (

Speciality Plants Shop REN (Tokyo Seika Corporation) (



Token Issuance Waiting List



At BIOTA, we are dedicated to enhancing microbial diversity in living spaces to foster healthier and more sustainable lifestyles. We offer various services, including microbial research services (bioinformatics services such as microbiome analysis and metagenome analysis), urban design services (architectural and landscape design, as well as material development), and cultural enrichment services (educational workshops and events). For more details about our initiatives and services, please visit our website. 

BIOTA Official Website:

Point of Contact:Malin Mcgonigal (







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